It is with GREAT satisfaction that I can say I have reached my goal of getting under 200 Pounds!
woot woot for me!
It is with GREAT satisfaction that I can say I have reached my goal of getting under 200 Pounds!
woot woot for me!
1 thought on “Weight Loss Progress”
Splendid blog dude, I totaly took pleasure in this article. I’ll be sure to spread this to my cousin who would, most likely, like to drop by this post too. Found this sites article through the AOL search engine by the way, if you were wondering :P. Many thanks for the great read!
Splendid blog dude, I totaly took pleasure in this article. I’ll be sure to spread this to my cousin who would, most likely, like to drop by this post too. Found this sites article through the AOL search engine by the way, if you were wondering :P. Many thanks for the great read!