nickganga’s inaugural online experience


For the inauguration of President Barack Obama this year, I wanted to make a point to include as many people in the experience as I could. Being an avid user of Facebook, Loopt, WordPress and now Twitter, it was important to find a way to bring all these services together and syndicate the information between them all. Originally, I wanted to use Loopt to track myself, but without a Blackberry Bold client, had moved to TwitterBerry and some lightweight Twitter location updating client. While I was searching for an adequate solution, I was reading through Blackberry Forums and found that the 8830’s Loopt client ran on the Bold without too many glitches (Open with your mobile -> Quick Download -> enter Quick Download Code 29639). Loopt it is.

Loopt Link SyndicationHaving used Loopt in the past, I had known about the Loopt feature called “Loopt Link” that will syndicate the last 10 or so journal entries in the Loopt application to Twitter, Facebook, A Web Widget & RSS feed.
For Tuesday’s ceremony, I implemented all but the RSS feed into my web applications to allow for maximum visibility which put my Blackberry in control of every Loopt journal entry, Tweet, Facebook Status and post here at

Loopt Widget & Journal Entries

Loopt’s blog widget is a great way to show your journal entries on an interactive map. I featured the widget here on this site in the header from Monday January 19, 2009 – Wednesday January 21, 2009 as family and friends followed us on our journey to the nation’s capital.

Loopt widget tracing path from Auburn Hills, MI to Washington, DCLoopt Widget Focused on one Journal Entry

Loopt Private Journal with all DotsLoopt Private Jorunal - Individaul Entry

WordPress TwitterTools Plugin

Alex King’s WordPress plugin TwitterTools powered the WP integration for this historic event. Because Loopt delivers status updated to Twitter, this plugin listens to Twitter and was set to create an entry for each Tweet.
Twitter Tools

How To: Create Blackberry Ringtones with GarageBand

I’ve put together a short video (~ 6min) about how to create ringtones for a Blackberry using GarageBand on your mac. Soon to come are Quicktime Pro & iPhone variants.


YouTube Version

Blackberry “Exploit” or Future Feature?

While I understand this is considered an exploit, I feel like it would be really useful to have a feature on the Blackberry where users could connect their laptop to their Blackberry (via USB or Bluetooth), and use the DUN capabilities to establish a secured link back to the internal network.

With the recent exploit “Blackjacking” I am quite surprised that RIM hasn’t considered something like this from the start. Blackjacking is, of course, really only an exploit for Blackberry Enterprise Server users, so standard BIS users need not worry. While I understand this is considered an exploit, I feel like it would be really useful to have a feature on the Blackberry where users could connect their laptop to their Blackberry (via USB or Bluetooth), and use the DUN capabilities to establish a secured link back to the internal network. Verizon already allows their users to connect their devices to their laptops and use the speed of the EV-DO network to dial up, why not take this a step further? Work on it RIM!

It’s Official, AIM is DEAD

Users of the new Google Talk client for Windows Now have the new and following features:File Transfer With this top requested new feature, you can send unlimited files and folders to your friends through Google Talk.

Well, not really. However, with the pending launch of a new version of Google Talk, it will be soon. Users of the new Google Talk client for Windows Now have the new and following features:

File Transfer With this top requested new feature, you can send unlimited files and folders to your friends through Google Talk. There is no restriction on the file type or size and the peer-to-peer transfer is fast and reliable. Learn more
A small percentage of users (such as those behind restrictive proxies) will not experience the highest level of file transfer speed possible.

Voice mail If a friend isn’t around to answer your call, now you can leave a voice mail. You can even leave voice mail messages for your friends who don’t use Google Talk–they’ll receive an email with the message attached as an audio file. Learn more

Music Status Listening to music while on Google Talk? Now you can let your friends see what you’re listening to by selecting “Show current music track” in your status menu. Your status message will change when your song does! Learn more

For those of you who don’t use Google Talk, I highly recommend it. While similar in functionality to all the other IM clients, Google Talk has some key features that make it stand out as the leader:

  1. Direct Gmal Integration – you can use Google Talk right from the Gmail website. Check it out!
  2. Chat Auto Archiving – because of the direct integration with Gmail, Google Talk can automatically save your chat histories in Gmal for you under the heading Chats. What makes this cool is that it doesn’t matter what computer/device you are accessing Google Talk from, it will get everything. For example, I connect to Google Talk from my desktop at work, home as well as from my Blackberry. The chats are archived from all the devices
  3. No Ads! – That’s right, when you are using the Google Talk client on Windows, there are no Ads anywhere. Yay Google!
  4. Voice Chat – Similar to Skype, Google Talk features an excellent VoIP solution (SIP) for great voice calls.
  5. Easy To Use – With just the options you need, Google Talk is great for nearly all users


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