nickganga’s inaugural online experience


For the inauguration of President Barack Obama this year, I wanted to make a point to include as many people in the experience as I could. Being an avid user of Facebook, Loopt, WordPress and now Twitter, it was important to find a way to bring all these services together and syndicate the information between them all. Originally, I wanted to use Loopt to track myself, but without a Blackberry Bold client, had moved to TwitterBerry and some lightweight Twitter location updating client. While I was searching for an adequate solution, I was reading through Blackberry Forums and found that the 8830’s Loopt client ran on the Bold without too many glitches (Open with your mobile -> Quick Download -> enter Quick Download Code 29639). Loopt it is.

Loopt Link SyndicationHaving used Loopt in the past, I had known about the Loopt feature called “Loopt Link” that will syndicate the last 10 or so journal entries in the Loopt application to Twitter, Facebook, A Web Widget & RSS feed.
For Tuesday’s ceremony, I implemented all but the RSS feed into my web applications to allow for maximum visibility which put my Blackberry in control of every Loopt journal entry, Tweet, Facebook Status and post here at

Loopt Widget & Journal Entries

Loopt’s blog widget is a great way to show your journal entries on an interactive map. I featured the widget here on this site in the header from Monday January 19, 2009 – Wednesday January 21, 2009 as family and friends followed us on our journey to the nation’s capital.

Loopt widget tracing path from Auburn Hills, MI to Washington, DCLoopt Widget Focused on one Journal Entry

Loopt Private Journal with all DotsLoopt Private Jorunal - Individaul Entry

WordPress TwitterTools Plugin

Alex King’s WordPress plugin TwitterTools powered the WP integration for this historic event. Because Loopt delivers status updated to Twitter, this plugin listens to Twitter and was set to create an entry for each Tweet.
Twitter Tools

1 thought on “nickganga’s inaugural online experience”

  1. Hey Nick – Glad to see that “Loopt Link” worked so well for you in DC. We enjoyed living vicariously through your Loopt updates as you enjoyed the Inauguration festivities last week. We’d love to hear any other feedback/suggestions you have regarding Loopt and Loopt Link. Thanks!

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