ISP Snooping on People, Uh Oh.. we’re going down a dark road

I recently found an article on cnet talking about how the government wants ISPs (ie. Comcast, SBC, AT&T) to retain more data about their customers for ‘future police work,’ citing the need to protect children and prosecute child pornographers.

I recently found an article on cnet talking about how the government wants ISPs (ie. Comcast, SBC, AT&T) to retain more data about their customers for ‘future police work,’ citing the need to protect children and prosecute child pornographers. While child pornography is an important issue, this clearly looks like a cover up for a different agenda. If you ask me, the government is turning into big brother more and more every day and is coming up with the worst excuses for what they want to do. Read about it after the jump.

via ISP snooping gaining support | CNET

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