Blackberry “Exploit” or Future Feature?

While I understand this is considered an exploit, I feel like it would be really useful to have a feature on the Blackberry where users could connect their laptop to their Blackberry (via USB or Bluetooth), and use the DUN capabilities to establish a secured link back to the internal network.

With the recent exploit “Blackjacking” I am quite surprised that RIM hasn’t considered something like this from the start. Blackjacking is, of course, really only an exploit for Blackberry Enterprise Server users, so standard BIS users need not worry. While I understand this is considered an exploit, I feel like it would be really useful to have a feature on the Blackberry where users could connect their laptop to their Blackberry (via USB or Bluetooth), and use the DUN capabilities to establish a secured link back to the internal network. Verizon already allows their users to connect their devices to their laptops and use the speed of the EV-DO network to dial up, why not take this a step further? Work on it RIM!

1 thought on “Blackberry “Exploit” or Future Feature?”

  1. Splendid blog dude, I totaly appreciated this entry. I’ll be sure to talk about this to a few friends who would, no doubt, love to drop by this article too. Found this post through the AOL search engine by the way, if you were wondering :P. Can’t wait till the next one!

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