Apple Is Awesome

When I purchased my Intel iMac in February, I also purchased iWork ’06 with it. Half expecting them to say “Sorry, you need to purchase another copy,” I gave my rep my web order number and after a few minutes on hold was pleasantly surprised.

When I purchased my Intel iMac in February, I also purchased iWork ’06 with it. Problem is, now I need to restore my system using the restore media and I don’t want to loose my licensed copy of the software. I emailed the support team before the holiday in an attempt to find a resolution to my rather quickery problem. They wrote me back yesterday and suggested I call the Apple Care support line. Well, that’s exactly what I did today. Half expecting them to say “Sorry, you need to purchase another copy,” I gave my rep my web order number and after a few minutes on hold was pleasantly surprised. Rather than attempt to find the serial number they told me they were going to just re-order the software for me, at not additional charge, with standard overnight 🙂 All I have to say is, Apple, you ROCK!

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